Since 1995 I have gratefully served as a Facilitator and Logician for the EMDR Institute, which gave me the opportunity to be involved in training mental health professionals locally and around the world. It has been a wonderful learning experience helping hone my own EMDR therapy knowledge and skills. In 2017, I achieved one of my own professional goals and became a Regional Trainer for the EMDR Institute. To further my professional goals, I became an EMDR Institute Senior Trainer in 2018. It has been an extremely satisfying experience to train professionals in this powerful and effective treatment approach and shepherd them as they hone and perfect their own EMDR therapy skills.
Milwaukee – EMDR Institute Regional Training: In-Person* with Live Stream via Zoom available.
*In-Person Training option is held at UWM’s School of Continuing Education in downtown Milwaukee.
Spring 2025 Cycle
Weekend 1: March 13 – 15, 2025
Weekend 2: June 12 – 14, 2025
Fall 2025 Cycle
Weekend 1: July 31 – August 2, 2025
Weekend 2: November 6 – 8, 2025
Please note that you must sign up for either the Spring or Fall Cycle. You are not able to do the Weekend 1 in one cycle and the Weekend 2 in a different cycle.
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My Regional EMDR therapy Basic Training is designed for those interested in learning how to conduct EMDR therapy and successfully use it in their clinical practice. It offers a safe, comfortable and personalized training environment consisting of lecture and videotaped demonstrations, case studies, supervised practice and ongoing case consultation.
This Two-Part EMDR Institute Basic Training curriculum is inspired and approved by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D., the originator of EMDR therapy. Unlike other EMDR therapy training opportunities available, the Institute’s training curriculum is considered the ‘Gold Standard’ that has been time-tested for years and provides the most updated information about EMDR therapy. This two-part, experiential training is approved by EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). EMDRIA sets the standards for EMDR training, workshops and professional credentialing levels.
Part 1 Objectives:
- Name 2 websites that list research relevant to EMDR therapy
- List 3 types of client’s presenting issues that have been successfully treated with EMDR therapy
- Name 3 proposed mechanisms of action in EMDR therapy
- Describe an important premise of the Adaptive Information Processing model
- List the components of memory
- Name the 8 phases of EMDR therapy
- Identify the prongs of the Three-Pronged Protocol of EMDR therapy
- Describe 3 criteria on the Client Readiness Checklist
- Distinguish between Direct Questioning and the Floatback technique during Phase 1 History Taking and Treatment Planning
- List the informational plateaus
- Distinguish between state change and trait change in EMDR therapy
- Describe one purpose for Safe/Calm State utilization
- Identify the purpose of the Assessment Phase of EMDR therapy
- Identify the purpose of utilizing the SUD scale and what it stands for
- Describe when to return to target in Phase 4 Desensitization.
- Identify the purpose of the VOC scale and what it stands for
- Describe how to conduct the Phase 6 Body Scan
- Describe three strategies for assisting a client to stay within the window of tolerance
- Describe how to resume reprocessing following an incomplete target memory.
- Describe when you would apply the Future Template
Part 2 Objectives
- Distinguish between a client’s presenting problems and underlying issues
- Describe 3 strategies to treat complex trauma-related disorders
- Identify 2 internal and external resources that clients need to have in place to do reprocessing
- Describe 3 client factors that indicate the need for additional stabilization and resourcing
- Describe the 3 different types of resources used in Resource Development and Installation
- Distinguish between EMD, restricted reprocessing and the EMDR standard protocol
- Identify 2 clinical situations where EMD would be appropriate as an intervention
- Distinguish between a recent traumatic experience and developmental trauma
- Identify when you would initially target a recent past experience versus a touchstone memory
- Describe a process to select and prioritize targets appropriate for EMDR treatment
- Describe how to offer a cognitive interweave when the client’s reprocessing is blocked
- Describe 3 strategies for dealing with highly emotional responses
- Describe 3 ways that EMDR therapy facilitates cultural responsiveness
- Name 3 adverse cultural experiences that can contribute to maladaptive memory networks
- Distinguish when to use memory reprocessing versus psychological first aid with grief related issues
- Distinguish between a simple phobia and a process phobia
- Describe 2 clinical symptoms that may indicate the presence of dissociation during a session
- Describe 3 strategies for working with dissociative responses during reprocessing
- Identify three clinical choices (past/present/future) for where to start reprocessing with addictions and compulsions
- Identify one category of experiences appropriate for reprocessing with combat veterans
Course Outline
The full course consists of 20 hours of didactic, 20 hours of small group practice and 10 hours of consultation. Each part of the experiential training weekend will consist of 10 hours of didactic (lecture and videotaped demonstrations) and 10 hours of supervised small group practice. Participants will have ample opportunity to discuss their cases throughout the course and evaluate how EMDR therapy can be applied.
Small Group Practice:
Participants will also practice EMDR therapy in small groups with direct observation and constructive feedback from the trainer. During the experiential group practice participants will be practicing EMDR therapy with each other in order to gain familiarity with how clients experience EMDR therapy. The experience of being both clinician and client is a required part of the training.
Case Consultation:
Ten hours of case consultation are required. These sessions will provide participants an opportunity for continued learning about EMDR therapy and a deeper understanding of how to apply EMDR therapy and integrate it into one’s practice. These sessions will allow participants to discuss their clinical cases in a safe and professional environment.
- Individualized instruction and constructive feedback regarding the participant’s real active cases will be given. Topics include, but not limited to:
- Application of the EMDR therapy procedural steps,
- Case conceptualization and formulation,
- Develop a structured treatment plan including target selection
- Assessing client readiness,
- Address any difficulties that naturally arise as one begins to use a new therapy,
- Integration of EMDR therapy in an overall treatment plan and one’s clinical practice
- Celebrate successes
- The group sessions are conveniently offered via videoconferencing, with minimal office time lost.
- The expectations and objectives for the sessions including case discussion, homework, self-reflection and evaluation will be provided during the Part 1 in-person training weekend.
Required Readings:
Participants are required to read:
Shapiro, F. (2017). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Basic Principles, Protocols and Procedures (3rd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
Shapiro, F. (2012). Getting Past Your Past: Take Control of Your Life with Self-Help Techniques from EMDR Therapy. New York: Rodale Books.
Please Note: Review the Eligibility Requirements, Course Outline and Completion Criteria when considering the appropriateness of this training.
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EMDR Therapy Specialty Workshops
As an EMDRIA Credit Provider in Wisconsin, I sponsor specialty workshops and master classes, bringing the “best of the best” EMDR therapy instructors to the Milwaukee area. I am committed to advancing EMDR practice locally by enhancing the knowledge and refining the skills of clinicians through these advanced workshops.
Upcoming Workshop: